Step 1.) Half-fill six large test tubes with water.
Step 2.) Number the test tubes
Step 3.) Add following items to test tubes:
1- Nothing (Control)
2- 0.5g sugar (canceled)
3- a few drops of milk
4- 0.5 CuSO4 (Copper Sulfate) (canceled)
5- 5 drops Olive Oil
6- 0.5g Soil
Step 4.) Stopper each test tube and shake tubes to make a mixture
Step 5.) Write down any changes of the properties (look, smell, which separate)
See Tables>Mixtures Lab for table
After making and testing 3 different mixtures, I found that mixing materials with water changes properties such as smell, the way light travels in it, and color. For example, putting in 5 drops of milk sort of lets light through making it a coloid, while 0.5g Soil does not let light go through, making it a suspension. Three mistakes we may have made were putting in too much or too little of a material, not letting mixtures settle enough to see if it were a suspension, or putting in the incorrect material. Next time, we will make sure we have enough time to do all of the tests we had hoped to do, such as 0.5g Sugar and 0.5g CuSO4, or Carbon Sulfate.