Chapter 12 | Section 4

1.) Electric force and magnetic force are the only forces that can both attract and repel

2.) Two forces, the strong nuclear force and the weak nuclear force, act within the nucleus to hold in together/

3.) Newton's law of universal gravitation states that every object in the universe attracts every other object

4.) A satellite in LEO gets friction from the earth's atmosphere because its so close to the earth that it still gets some drag from the atmosphere.

5.) As the moon goes in its orbit, its forward motion counteracts the downward force from the earth. This makes a cenrtipical force, which is what we call orbit.

6.) It's orbit will be closer to Earth

7.) His law of gravity explains that everything is attracted to eachother. This means that, for example, the Earth is attracted to the moon, and the moon is equaly and oppisitely attracted to the Earth.