Magnetism | Notes

Magnetism: Force of attration or repulsion cause by the movement of charged particles

It is not a charge

It's caused by the movement of a charge

Magnetic Poles

Magnetic Poles: A region on a magnet which produces magnetic forces

The poles of a suspended magnet will align themselves to the poles of the earth

Magnetic Fields

Magnetic Field: The space around a magnet in which a magnetic force is exerted

-The shape of a magnetic field is revealed by magnetic field lines

--Directed away from north poles and toward sourth poles

The strength of magnetic fields are measured in units of Tesla (T)

Caused by the motion of electric charges

-Since motion is relative, so are magnetic fields

Magnets at rest consist of charges in motion

-Every spinning electron is a tiny magnet

-Electrons spinning in the same direction produce a stronger magnet

Magnetic Domains

Clusters of aligned atoms

Permanent magnets are made by placing materials in strong magnetic fields

-Aligns the domains

It is possible to weaken a magnet by dropping or heating it

-Pushes domains out of alignment

Earth's Magnetic Field

Magnetic Poles are located:

North: Hudson Bay region of northern Canady (1800km from geographic pole)

South: Just south of Australia

Magnetic Declination: Difference between geographic and magnetic poles

The magnetic field of Earth reverses on an irregular cycle

1 million years ago, the field completely "shut off" for 10,000-20,000 years

Its strength has decreased by 5% over the last 100 years

-Indicates a reversal possibily in the next 200 years


Electromagnet: A current-carrying coil of wire with many loops

-The magnetic domains of a piece of iron placed in the coil will be aligned

-This will intensify the magnetic field

-The strongest electromagnets use superconductors as a core